Printmaking 2021

Week 12: Getting Large

This week I had three false starts trying to print my lines on large paper. I needed to print these on a new printer in an office/copy shop, and so getting it dialed in is a slow process.

The most successful print, on 10x16 paper. Still far from what I’d like.

large fail

The image peeled right off one of the plates.

failed plate

I really like the scale of these prints though, so I think my final efforts will be to get a really polished set of these on 10x16. I also started tweaking the program generating these, and have a few more things I want to change to better fit this format.

spill a

spill b

I also kept playing with digitally altering textures and then printing them in physical. I’m really exited with how these turned out. They’re printed 6x9, but I’d love to print more textures in the 10x16 size of the other final pieces.

And a quick piece I made to add flair to some letters I sent. I really like the texture of the halftones.


What I’m listening to

  • HORROR HEAD - Sindy (Swedish grungy shoegaze)
  • Wlfgrl - Machine Girl (electronic punk?)