Printmaking 2021

Week 10: Print Exchanged

This week I finalized the line series. I particularly like the way that these show the interaction between the two layers of lines. I’m surprised how much depth I was able to add when printing black on black.

I made each of these prints as an edition of 5.

lines series 1

lines series 4

lines series 2

This weekend I saw a very pretty sign on the side of the road and wanted to recreate it. I’m going to try different ways to color it in - colored pencil, watercolor, maybe a monotype if I’m precise enough.

noxious weeds

We also finally got everybody together to open our prints together. It was wonderful seeing everyone, and the prints are all so beautiful!

print exchange

Looking forward, I really enjoy the digital art to pronto plate workflow, and want to explore it more. There is something interesting in the tactile process of printing a digital/generated print by hand. I printed this sampler to start to explore the digital -> physical transformation.

shades test

I also can’t stop thinking about this woodcut. See more

generative blockprint

What I’m listening to

  • She Abunai - Alice Longyu Gao