Printmaking 2021

Week 8: New ink

This week I’ve been catching up on work, taking a final, and recovering from my first vaccine.

I got into the studio to try my new ink (Gamblin litho ink) with toner washes. This ink is a joy to use, super clean lines and no smearing in the water.

I am trying to get more levels of value in my toner washes. I like the grittiness of the darker pull, but that’s unintentional ink sticking to the negative spaces.

Toner wash test

toner wash test

A love letter to 99 bean energy

99 bean energy

I learned a lot from doing an edition of 20 last week, so my next step is to spend some time drawing a more detailed pronto plate and doing another edition. 10 is a good number to aim for to have enough to send to my friends and keep a few prints, while not taking forever to print.

I am also finally developing a B/W film roll from the past year, and if any pictures turn out I’ll remix them digitally and print them with pronto plates.

What I’m listening to

  • ICON - Cobrah
  • OH NO - Xiu Xiu