Printmaking 2021

Week 5: Litho isn't working

So many frustrations from trying to print pronto plates. I tried a waterless technique with silicone instead of gum arabic, which looked like it worked well until the ink just rolled up on the silicone without a problem. My next step is to buy oil-based litho ink, but I’m annoyed that I can’t get the akoua inks to work on this because they’re so easy to work with and clean up.

failed litho experiments



Found some old oil-based etching ink in the back of the ink cabinet. It worked much better (with the gum arabic), bu it’s still not there…


With the pronto plates failing, I released steam with more monotypes.




This one gives me weird color artifacts from up close (McCollough Effect?). I would like to make one big so that fills my field of view.


Saw this sunset on the way to the studio today. I think I’d like to make my series for the print exchange a cloud pattern.


My friend from Wellesley invited me to take part in a miniprint (4 square inches) show (2019 catalog) (if only I could get my pronto plates to print!).

What I’m listening to

  • Super Monster - Claud
  • Inner Song - Kelly lee Owens
  • Sorry 4 Being Famous - Alice Gas