Printmaking 2021

Week 3: More monotypes

This week I focused on generating textures in my monotypes and tried to make varied textures. I keep learning how the inks behaves and am starting to feel more able to predict/control how prints will come out.

One thing I want to come back to is spending the time to fill each plate with a single texture to really focus on the technique/process of creating individual textures.


washed out

more monotypes

These are some of my more favorite textures (there are many more where these came from)


I also heard from my friends at the Wellesley Print Studio, who are organizing a reunion print exchange! I’m super excited to take part and to see everyone again.

What I’m listening to

  • On a hyperpop binge - SOPHIE, 100 Gecs, and the rest of PC Music
  • The new King Gizz album (L.W.) slaps